Then my first job interview dwelled upon my thoughts. Its with the same company where Im working currently. The set up; ten applicants in one room, one interviewer her name is "Kai" if my memory serves me right, forum type of discussion, everyone was free to fire a question if you feel like asking one. You just have to introduce yourself and share something very interesting about you. Sounds simple right? but the challenge was how to beat nine souls or appear more deserving to pass the initial interview than anyone else. One applicant boasted about his tattoos, another one was a single mother of two, I will never forget the "Mumbaki guy", he told us that he was part of the film "Mumbaki" starring Raymart Santiago, shot in Kalinga, he played the role of the kid, Raymart's son in the movie, funny fellow. A friendof mine spoke about his phobia, he's really afraid of dogs, one of us was a very tough contender, the experienced hopeful, a call center agent from another company, trying to find a new home. My time to shine punched the clock; right then and there, its my turn. Im not sure how to pull this up or how to start my act, I set out by introducing myself to them, luckily, Kai is from ParaƱaque, souped up the substance of my dearthy talk. (wait... a song by the beatles that i really love is playing now over the playlist, i cant concentrate =p)
Scrounging around for the right amount of confidence, I told the panel that I am a former vocalist of a band, three of my friends started to stare at me with a slight of grin in their faces, because I never told them about it in the first place.. one of them whispered to me "Are you serious? panindigan mo yan" ... I knew what was coming up, a talent portion! I AM NERVOUS, it felt like I am more comfortable being on stage for a crowd than performing in front of ten people. I do admit that I am not a good singer, but at least I could carry a tune, as a matter of fact I AM TONE DEAF... not that acute type but I can consider it as a mild tone deafness, coz if you will google it, its a deficiency. But what's happening with me is that musicwise, I have a hard time recognizing pitch or a tone, so you can compare me to an instrument that should be adjusted first before you play it, sometimes Im flat, sometimes sharp... me without formal training, no wonder why haha.. at least Im doing what I love to do. So for those who love to sing and perform, just continue your passion even if others are telling you that its not for you, just sing your heart out, I am tone deaf pero pede parin. The room was covered with silence, the silence is deafening, waiting for something to hear, I inhaled a certain amount of air and released it along with a sound, a melody from my fidgety body, rousing the beginning of a song. Im singing with my eyes closed.. Im singing Urbandub's "Endless, a Silent Whisper". The moment I finished the Chorus part I stopped, because I cant here anything, I opened my eyes and everyone in the room was restrained, I heard hands clapping, I was not even sure if I did a great job or if i screwed up the whole thing. "You're brilliant, really good, ear-friendly" said Kai, questions began to fill the air, can you rap? bob marley please! bakit hindi mo sinabi samin na... ? can you sing another one? and that's the story of my first job interview, singing would probably be the last or the least thing on my mind to do in an interview, very odd, but i did nail it!, I passed along with four applicants, half of the group ended their journey, its like American Idol, the only thing I dont have that day was the Golden ticket and the "welcome to hollywood! greeting" =p. We were asked to come back the next day for the prospeak and final interview, but i didnt show up, because im not really interested for the position, I just want to experience how to apply for a job. Few days later, I started teaching English to Korean students for a month, good times... After that, I went back to apply again to the same company, went through the whole process and was hired, guess what? Kai remembered me haha, and that was it... I never really regret that I did not show up the next day the first time I passed the first interview, Im happy about the way my life took course after all. Maybe if i passed the whole thing the first time, I would have not met my dear students, maybe im not with my everloving teamates now, , maybe I dont belong to the number one team today. Hindi ko siguro nakilala si...haha so much for this post haha, I just wanna grab one bottle of Tanduay Ice and start the DVD marathon. thanks for reading! God bless everyone! :)

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