A relationship wherein the guy is "ugly" + the girl is pretty:
We call it "diskarte". Of course some guys may not be that attractive or pogi but maybe because of his good sense of humor or a talent he's able to win a beautiful chic.
A relationship wherein both of them are good-looking, model type, artistahin kumbaga:
Considered as "Lokohan"... they just stick with the same kind only for the sake of popularity and high rate status, so its just lokohan (mapagyabang lang na pogi or maganda din syota nila hehe), they are the ones we see walking in the hallways of school, malls, at the park... etc.
A relationship wherein the guy is "good-looking" + the girl is "ugly":
We call it "True Love"... You know handsome guys go for hot girls... no need for further explanations.
A relationship wherein both of them are "ugly":
"NO CHOICE" .. instead of pouting around, lonely and sad, might as well find yourself someone exactly like you.
So next time you see a couple hanging around, passing by, dating.. you can easily categorize them using these labels.
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